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pengaruh televisi dari segi positif dan negatif. Bila kita melihat secara umum pengaruh televisi terhadap siswa memang tanpak sangat berguna dan bermakna karena media televisi ini merupakan sarana penyampaian informasi yang paling efektif dan efisien, efektif dari segi penyampaian informasi dan efisien dari segi harga untuk memperoleh informasi tersebut. Dengan media televisi wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan seorang siswa dapat berkembang dengan pesat sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada. Banyak hal positif yang dapat diambil dari adanya media televisi ini yakni diantaranya seperti, informasi mengenai berita terkini, ilmu pengetahuan umum, Entertainmen/ hiburan, dan lain sebagainya. Seorang siswa hendaknya selalu mengetahui informasi terkini yang terjadi didunia guna menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan dari siswa itu sendiri, yang dapat ia gunakan untuk mengembangkan dirinya dimasa yang akan datang, karena dengan informasi manusia dapat menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya, sedangkan untuk bidang entertainment/ hiburan, hal ini tentu saja berfungsi untuk mengurangi rasa penat atau rasa bosan pada setiap siswa didalam masa remajanya atau dalam masa-masa belajarnya, mengapa demikian? Karena setiap siswa yang sedang berkembang akan mengalami satu hal yang namanya ”bosan” dan hal ini perlu dicegah dengan kegiatan yang sifatnya menghibur/ refleksi yang dapat membuatnya selalu ”Fresh” dan berfikir positif, sehingga menjadikan ia selalu aktif dan kreatif. Selain dari wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat diperoleh siswa dari media televisi, keakraban antar keluarga akan tercipta sehingga membuat siswa merasa nyaman berada diantara keluarganya, karena keluarga juga merupakan salah satu faktor utama penentu keberhasilan diri seorang siswa, selain hal itu orang tua juga dapat mendidik anak-anaknya dengan lebih mudah melalui media televisi dan orang tua tersebut lebih mudah memberikan pengarahan terhadap anak sehingga anak akan merasa tidak terbebani untuk memahami apa yang diinginkan oleh orangtuanya. Hal-hal tersebut merupakan salah satu yang dapat kita rasakan/ lihat dari segi positif dampak televisi terhadap siswa, tetapi selain itu banyak hal-hal negative yang dapat terjadi jika siswa telah terpengaruh oleh televisi, diantaranya adalah malas, mencontoh hal-hal yang tidak baik/ negatif seperti cara bergaul, berbicara, berpenampilan, serta pribadinya. Malas adalah hal yang paling sering terjadi jika seorang siswa sudah terpengaruh oleh asyiknya menonton televisi sehingga melupakan belajarnya, dan hal ini merupakan hal yang sangat merugikan bagi siswa itu sendiri karena dengan bermalas-malasan dia tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa dan apa yang ia cita-citakan dalam hidupnya, maka dari itu alangkah baiknya orang tua membatasi waktu menonton televisi dan menyaring tayangan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sang anak, selain malas pengaruh buruk televisi terhadap tingkah laku anak yakni mencontoh hal yang tidak seharusnya di contoh, misalkan anak usia dibawah lima tahun menonton tayangan televisi untuk orang dewasa, tentu hal ini sangat ”berbahaya” karena anak bisa dewasa sebelum dewasa, maksudnya adalah tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan oleh orang dewasa tidak seharusnya dicontoh oleh anak kecil, seperti Kekerasan, gaya hidup seperti berpenampilan, bergaul, dan gaya-gaya berbicara yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa yang baik, dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini juga memerlukan kontrol dari orang tua untuk tayangan yang sifatnya dewasa seperti itu. Jika hal negativ tersebut sudah terjadi maka selanjutnya dapat kita lihat kepribadian dari siswa itu sendiri akan berubah dan ”Kemungkinan” merugikan bagi semua pihak termasuk dirinya sendiri. Kesimpulannya bahwa, setiap hal yang ada didunia ini pasti memiliki aturan dan pandangan yang berbeda yakni, baik dan buruk, begitupun dengan media televisi, yang selayaknya digunakan untuk hal yang baik tetapi tetap saja memiliki dampak yang tidak baik bagi sebagian orang dan atau fungsinya. Maka dari itu peranan orang tua untuk mendidik anak (siswa) sangatlah penting serta kesadaran dari siswa itu sendiri haruslah tinggi dan bertanggung jawab atas apa yang hendak ia lakukan dengan bimbingan dari guru dan kegiatan-kegiatan positif yang dia lakukan selama dia berada dilingkungan sekolah.

the influence of television in terms of positive and negative. When we see the general effect of television on student indeed very useful and meaningful as the medium of television is a means to deliver information on the most effective and efficient, in terms of effective and efficient delivery of information in terms of price to obtain that information. With television media insights and knowledge a student can develop rapidly in line with the development of existing technology. Many positive things can be taken from the television media is that among such, information on the latest news, general science, entertainment / entertainment, and so forth. A student should always know the latest information that occurred worldwide in order to add insight and knowledge from the students themselves, who can he use to develop themselves in the future, because with human information can be better than before, while for the field of entertainment / amusement , this course serves to reduce the sense of fatigue or boredom on each student in the teenage years or in periods of learning, why is that? Because every student who is developing will experience a thing as "bored" and this needs to be prevented by the activities that are entertaining / reflection which can make it always "Fresh" and positive thinking, making it always active and creative. Apart from the insight and knowledge that can be obtained by students of television, the intimacy between the families will be created so as to make students feel comfortable being among his family, because family is also one of the main factors determining the success of a student myself, besides it also can educate parents their children more easily through the medium of television and the parents may more easily provide guidance to the child so the child will not feel burdened to understand what is wanted by his parents. These is one we can feel / see a positive impact in terms of television on students, but other than that a lot of negative things that can happen if the students have been affected by television, among them are lazy, imitate the things that are not good / negatives such as how to socialize, talk, look, and personality. Lazy is the most often occurs when a student has been affected by the fun of watching television, so forget about learning, and this is very detrimental to the students themselves because with being lazy he will not get anything and what ideals he seek in his life, therefore it is wonderful for parents to limit television viewing time and filter the display to suit the needs of the child, other than lazy television a bad influence on children's behavior that is modeled on things that should not be in the example, suppose children aged under five years of watching television shows for adults, of course this is very "dangerous" because children can be adults before adulthood, referring to acts committed by adults should not be emulated by young children, such as violence, life-style look, hang out, and force- speaking style that does not comply with the rules of good language, and so forth. It also requires the control of a parent to show that such an adult nature. If this is already happening so negativ then we can see the personality of the students themselves will change and "Possible" detrimental to all parties, including himself. The conclusion is that, every thing that exists in this world must have rules and a different view namely, good and bad, as well as with television media, which should be used for good things but still have an impact that is not good for some people and / or function. Thus the role of parents to educate children (students) are very important as well as awareness of the students themselves should be high and are responsible for what he wanted to do with guidance from teachers and the positive activities he did while he was the school environment.

Television - Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Television is one of the most important miracles of science. It has brought about a revolution in the field of entertainment, education and communication. Indeed mankind should be grateful to its inventor J.L.Baird who has brought the cinema and stage into the houses of the masses. One can now watch moving, talking and living pictures on the screen while sitting in one's home.


Thus, while sitting in our homes, we can watch all kinds of programmes which are televised. Many educative and informative programmes can also be shown on the television which are of great help to the students and the masses. Television is especially very majority of the people are illiterate and live in the villages. The people can be imparted much information and education through the television programmes. Television is a way on improvement on the radio set, because now we can see the face of the speaker, whereas on the radio we could only here the voice of the speaker and could not see his face.

Now, there is no need of going to a cinema house to see the pictures. One can enjoy the films while sitting at one's own house, among the members of the family. Many dramas can also be shown on the television. Through folks, delivered by the eminent scholars the people can be informed about the latest happenings and the current problems. The politicians, scientists, social workers and other eminent persons can talk to the people directly through the medium of television. Thus the benefits of television are numerous. People can hear the point of view of all eminent persons, which can greatly help them in forming their opinions. They can gain a huge fund of information regarding, science, political and social problems.

Television can also help in removing the social and political evils from the society. It can highlight the evils of casteism dowry, drinking, gambling etc and help in their removal. Similarly the government programmes like family planning, afforestation, adult education and cleanliness of the cities can also be propagated through the medium of television very successfully.

The television can also play a very important part in educating the people regarding the corruption, prevailing in the social and political spheres. The people can be taught not to give or take bribes. They can also be advised to help the government in curbing blackmarketing, smuggling, hoarding etc. During the time of election the results of the successful candidates can also be announced through the television. The V.I.Ps like the President, the Prime Minister, etc can also keep a direct contact with the people by addressing them on television.


Of course, with its advantages the television also has certain disadvantages. If a person spends too much time in watching television every day, then he will become lazy and shirk work. He would like to sit idle and waste his time. If one sees pictures from a close distance on the television set, it affects the eye-sight. It is thus very risky for the small children who always sit very close to the television set. The students also get the bad habit of seeing films on the television. During the television time the students do not pay any attention to their studies which will affect their educational career. The use of television set also increases the electricity bill greatly.

The possession of television is also a nuisance, because even if one doesn't want to watch it, there are always guests and children of the neighbours who will crowd your house. The situation becomes quite delicate as you cannot say 'no' to your friends or neighbours, especially on the days when the 'Chitrahaar' programme or Sunday film is being shown. Its repair is very costly and a man with ordinary means may not be able to afford it. It is just like a while elephant for him.

Inspite of all these disadvantages, the advantages are definitely more and the disadvantages are out-weighted. In the field of education and entertainment its vast importance cannot be denied. Of course, the Government should also show purposeful and good programmes on the television to increase its utility. The cost of the television sets should also be reduced so that even ordinary persons can afford to purchase them.

So, the conclusion , evereything that in this world have the rules and different view that’s good and bad, as well as of television media,  which should be used for good things but still have an impact that is not good for some people or function. So, the role of parents to educate their children or students are very important  as well as awareness of the students themselves should be high and are responsible for what he wanted to do with guidance from teachers and the positive activities he did while he was the school environment.

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